Exhibition as part of the INTERREG RESERVAQUA project The result of a collaboration between CREALP, the Valais Environment Department and the Alpine House Foundation, the exhibition on water and its climatic challenges presented at the Centre de Géologie et Glaciologie in Les Haudères in the Val d’Hérens was closely linked to the cross-border cooperation project between Switzerland and Italy, entitled “RESERVAQUA – knowing water resources for better management (2019-2023)”. Its primary objective… Read More

Groundwater monitoring

Monitoring groundwater in the Rhône plain and mountain aquifers In Switzerland, groundwater and springs cover more than 80% of water needs. With an annual production of over 1 millionm3, they are the main source of drinking and industrial water. Long-term monitoring of groundwater quality and groundwater levels is therefore of particular importance. This is all the more the case in Valais where, due to the specific nature of the recharge regime for… Read More

Cross-border collaboration (Vallon de Réchy)

Optimizing the management and protection of groundwater resources The Réchy project follows on from the STRADA cross-border cooperation project (INTERREG IV Alcotra Italy-Switzerland, 2007-2013), which aimed to understand the behavior of mountain aquifers in different geographical and hydrogeological contexts, under climatic constraints. The aim was to understand the behavior of mountain aquifers in different geographical and hydrogeological contexts under climatic constraints, taking into account the potential effects of climate change, in particular… Read More