Cross-border collaboration (Vallon de Réchy)
Optimizing the management and protection of groundwater resources
The Réchy project follows on from the STRADA cross-border cooperation project (INTERREG IV Alcotra Italy-Switzerland, 2007-2013), which aimed to understand the behavior of mountain aquifers in different geographical and hydrogeological contexts, under climatic constraints. The aim was to understand the behavior of mountain aquifers in different geographical and hydrogeological contexts under climatic constraints, taking into account the potential effects of climate change, in particular those linked to the predicted evolution of precipitation and temperature over the coming decades (changes in the annual distribution of precipitation, reduction in snow cover, increase in the snowfall limit, etc.).
The results obtained from the STRADA project have encouraged us to establish the Réchy valley as an experimental study site and to strengthen scientific collaboration(Canton du Valais – SEN, CHYN, CREALP, ALPGEO) through various research projects. The main objectives of the Réchy project are to :
- Evaluate the share and effect of variations in underground storage on low-water flows, with a view to identifying possible changes in recharge conditions (CHYN);
- Characterize the water resource stored in the form of snow in order to evaluate the share of snow water in runoff (CREALP);
- Optimize management and protection of groundwater resources by integrating the results obtained into a methodological approach that can be transposed to other basins (SEN, CHYN, CREALP, ALPGEO).

A. Louché weather station
B. Ar du Tsan snow gauge
C. Milestone sensor-button
D. Sensor-button and installation bracket
Project manager:

Responsable de filière Expert en hydrogéo-informatique
Project duration: 2010 – 2013