GIS Groundwater
Design and implementation of a Groundwater Information and Management System to enhance the value of cantonal subsurface data
In close collaboration with the Service de l’environnement(SEN) – Groupe Eaux souterraines du Canton du Valais, CREALP has been involved in setting up a global strategy for groundwater monitoring in the short, medium and long term. This analysis, which considers the various aspects related to groundwater management (quantitative and qualitative monitoring, protection of water resources, cadastre of springs and boreholes, etc.) found its first concrete expression in 2015 with the design and implementation of the Groundwater Information and Management System (SIGES). Coupled with the cantonal databases that respectively record information on groundwater, the nature of the subsoil(Géocadastre) and the land register, SIGES aims to:
- Make groundwater information available throughout the canton.
- Set up a tool using georeferenced databases to help manage groundwater.
- Facilitate decision-making by facilitating the consultation and analysis of basic data.
- Enhance the value of data by producing derived products (maps, statistics, summaries, etc.).
As part of its mandate, CREALP also helped define and implement the REGIS data model for cantonal management of groundwater protection geodata. It also contributed to the definition and implementation of a process for the management of protection zone delimitation studies, from taking charge of the file to computerizing the data in REGIS and making them available via SIGES.
Project manager:

Responsable de filière Expert en hydrogéo-informatique
Project duration :
Project sponsor: Service de l’environnement(SEN) du Canton du Valais