Interface utilisateur du logiciel RS MINERVE

RS MINERVE software

8 - Hydrogeological modeling Modeling natural hazards Natural hazard management Training in hydrological modelling

Modeling hydrological and hydraulic networks using a semi-distributed approach


RS MINERVE is a hydrological and hydraulic modeling software package that simulates rainfall-runoff transformations and free-surface flows. The software is capable of representing not only the main hydrological processes such as snowmelt, glacial melt and surface and subsurface flows, but also regulated structures such as reservoirs, gates, spillways, water intakes, turbines or pumps, and other hydraulic structures.

Comprehensive analysis of a hydrological-hydraulic network is indispensable in many cases, such as water resource planning and management, optimization of hydroelectric plant operations, weir design and control, or the development of flood protection concepts. RS MINERVE makes this type of analysis accessible to a wide audience, thanks to its modular software architecture, user-friendly interface and extensive functionality.


  • Integration of various hydrological rainfall-flow models (GSM, SOCONT, SACSMA, GR4J and HBV)
  • Integration of various hydraulic structures (reservoirs, turbines, weirs, etc.)
  • Automatic creation of complete hydrological models from vector layers (GIS module – shapefiles)
  • Ability to insert images in the template GUI
  • Automatic calibration using various algorithms (SCE-UA, …) with a user-defined objective function
  • Simulation of meteorological or hydraulic management scenarios
  • Command-line capability for simulation automation
  • Various external plug-ins can be implemented to extend the software’s functionality for specific requirements
Interface utilisateur du logiciel RS MINERVE
Interface utilisateur de RS MINERVE

The RS MINERVE software was jointly developed by CREALP and HydroCosmos SA, with the collaboration of the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne(EPFL), the Universitat Politècnica de València(UPV) and the Association Hydro10. Constantly under development, its improvement is ensured by the experience gained from its application in national and international contexts, as well as by feedback from users.


Project leader:


Spécialiste en assimilation de données et hydrologie opérationnelle

Project duration: 2012 – ongoing
Project sponsor: Multiples

Download and support

Updated January 11, 2021 | Version


User manual
Updated April 20, 2020 | Version 2.15

Technical manual
Updated April 20, 2020 | Version 2.25


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