Water resources management (Peru)
Glaciers + Project > Optimal management of water resources in mountain regions and in a context of climate change, Peru
The multi-objective Glaciers+ project(Proyecto Glaciares+) was launched following the Glacier 513 project, which highlighted the potential of optimal water resource management in the Chucchún Valley. The aim of Glaciers+ was to reduce the risks associated with glacier retreat (flooding, block falls, etc.), and to optimize the management of water resources in mountain regions. These water reserves stored in the glaciers were used not only to supply the population with drinking water, but also for agriculture and hydroelectric power generation. It was in this context, weakened by climate change, that the challenge was to identify new opportunities in terms of sustainable water resource management and to promote appropriate adaptation measures.

The study areas were located in the Peruvian part of the Andes Cordillera, and more precisely in the administrative regions of Áncash, Lima and Cusco, where glacier coverage was considerable (470km2, 50km2 and 250km2 respectively). Depending on the region, these glaciers have retreated by between 33% and 55% over the last 40 years. Led by the University of Zurich(Department of Geography) and the international NGO CARE Perú, this large-scale bi-national project is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation(SDC) as part of its “Global Climate Change” program. Numerous partners, such as the Peruvian National Water Authority(ANA), the Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne(EPFL), the private company Meteodat and CREALP, have taken part in this project.
Within this interdisciplinary framework, CREALP has developed hydraulic and hydrological models for the various study basins, using RS MINERVE software. These models were used to determine the current state of the watersheds (water demand, water supply requirements, etc.), and to assess the impact of climate change on future water resources through scenario analysis. Thanks to its expertise, CREALP also provided decision support for the development of energy optimization programs implemented by hydroelectric power plants, and ensured that measures to adapt to climate change were included.
CREALP has also run a number of hydrological modeling training courses for universities, engineering firms, hydroelectric facility managers and even private users in Peru. The aim of these courses was to combine relevant, up-to-date scientific knowledge of hydrological and hydraulic modelling with the technical know-how needed to use the RS MINERVE software efficiently and effectively.
The Glaciers+ project was part of a cross-disciplinary approach combining optimization of hydroelectric power, infrastructure monitoring and maintenance, and the development of measures to adapt to climate change.
Contact: Dr Tristan Brauchli
Project duration: 2015 – 2019
Customer: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation(SDC)
Further information

Astorayme Valenzuela, M., Gutierrez Llantoy, R. R., Garcia Hernandez, J., Felipe Obando, Ó., & Suarez, W. (2016). Downscaling temporal de un modelo hidrológico a paso diario adecuado en la cuenca del Rímac, Perú. XXVII Congreso Latinoamericano de Hidráulica -LADHI. International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research, IAHR, Lima, Peru.
Astorayme Valenzuela, M., Garcia Hernandez, J., Felipe, O., Suarez, W., Huggel, C., Molina, W., & Sarango, D. (2016). Análisis comparativo de los modelos hidrológicos gr4j- socont-hbv-sac en la cuenca del río chillón, Perú.

Drenkhan, F., Huggel, C., Garcia Hernandez, J., & Seidel, J. (2016). Objetivos del modelamiento hidrológico integrado bajo cambios hidroclimáticos y socioeconómicos en la Cordillera Blanca, Perú. XXVII Congreso Latinoamericano de Hidráulica -LADHI. International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research, Lima, Peru.
Fluixá-Sanmartín, J., García Hernández, J., Paredes Arquiola, J., & Suarez Alayza, W. (2016). Teoría de la modelización hidrológica e hidráulica: De las necesidades a la formación, y de la formación a su aplicación. 5239-5247.
Kronenberg, M., Schauwecker, S., Huggel, C., Salzmann, N., Drenkhan, F., Giráldez, C., Gurgiser, W., Kaser, G., Suarez, W., García Hernández, J., & Rohrer, M. (2016). ¿Cuál es el futuro del caudal en las cuencas glaciadas de los Andes Centrales? 1364-1373.

Tacsi Palacios, A., & Garcia Hernandez, J. (2016). Modelización hidro-glaciológica de la microcuenca Yanamarey en la cordillera Blanca dentro de un cambio climático. XXVII Congreso Latinoamericano de Hidráulica -LADHI. International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research, IAHR, Lima, Peru.