Hydrological Forecasting Online with Routing System HyFORS is a cloud platform that makes the adoption of operational hydrological/hydraulic forecasting systems accessible anywhere in the world with limited resources. By using global weather datasets and automating the creation and deployment of a complex operational system on Google Cloud Platform, this solution will help reduce hydrological risks and better manage water resources. A plug-and-play cloud platform for global flood forecasting In its 2022 Global… Read More
Debris flow warning system (SALT)

Real-time operational warning system for debris flow forecasting in Valais The aim of the Système d’Alerte de Laves Torrentielles (SALT) project is to set up a meteorological warning system for selected sites throughout the canton of Valais. These areas have been affected by numerous debris flow events in the past, which is why a real-time warning system project has been initiated to prevent such events in the future. This system enables SMS… Read More
Randa rockfall (1991)

The data collected on this site has been an essential source of knowledge for analyzing the behavior of the Grossgufer massif and managing the associated risks. Preamble In the spring of 1991, the village of Randa in the Mattertal valley, some 5 km downstream of Zermatt, was the scene of one of the largest rockfalls in Europe in the 20th century, along with that of Val Pola (Valtelline, Italy, 1987). In all,… Read More
Matterock methodology

A methodology for monitoring cliffs and detecting potential major landslides The major rockfall at Randa (Valais, Switzerland) in the spring of 1991 (30 Mom3) highlighted the scientific shortcomings in predicting such catastrophic events. It was therefore decided to develop a cliff monitoring methodology that would provide a better understanding of the phenomenon of cliff instability and anticipate potential rockfalls. This methodology, called MATTEROCK, was developed as part of the National Research Program… Read More
GUARDAVAL monitoring system

The Canton of Valais natural hazard monitoring portal Guardaval is a comprehensive IT platform for operational and synoptic monitoring of natural hazards (ground instabilities, floods, glacial hazards, meteorological hazards, debris flows, etc.) in the Valais. For over 20 years, CREALP has been maintaining and developing this constantly evolving platform for the State of Valais, integrating more data and functionalities every day. Today, Guardaval integrates more than 70 data sources from different suppliers… Read More
Operational flood forecasting system

MINERVE: Operational flood forecasting and management system for the Canton of Valais Following the devastating flood of October 2000, the Canton of Valais entrusted CREALP with the development and implementation of a Rhône flood forecasting and management system: the MINERVE system (Modélisation des Intempéries de Nature Extrême du Rhône Valaisan et de leurs Effets). The system has been operational since 2013, and CREALP is responsible for its management and maintenance on behalf… Read More
Groundwater monitoring

Monitoring groundwater in the Rhône plain and mountain aquifers In Switzerland, groundwater and springs cover more than 80% of water needs. With an annual production of over 1 millionm3, they are the main source of drinking and industrial water. Long-term monitoring of groundwater quality and groundwater levels is therefore of particular importance. This is all the more the case in Valais where, due to the specific nature of the recharge regime for… Read More
Hydrometric network monitoring

Hydrometric network of the Canton of Valais Hydrometric monitoring of lateral watercourses on a cantonal scale has two main objectives: The hydrometric network, commissioned at the end of 2015, comprises some twenty stations. It is managed and maintained by CREALP with technical collaboration from the“Maintenance Logistics” section of the Mobility Service(SDM). Information Project manager : Project duration: 2019 – ongoingProject sponsor: SDANA and SEFH of the Canton of Valais