Operational flood forecasting system

8 - Hydrogeological modeling 9 - Hydrogeological studies Early warning systems Hazard monitoring Modeling natural hazards Training in hydrological modelling

MINERVE: Operational flood forecasting and management system for the Canton of Valais

Following the devastating flood of October 2000, the Canton of Valais entrusted CREALP with the development and implementation of a Rhône flood forecasting and management system: the MINERVE system (Modélisation des Intempéries de Nature Extrême du Rhône Valaisan et de leurs Effets). The system has been operational since 2013, and CREALP is responsible for its management and maintenance on behalf of the Canton of Valais.

The MINERVE system is an essential component of the canton’s hydrological risk management procedure. Alongside the objectives of protecting the population and infrastructures, the Rhône plain is also subject to major land-use planning issues. In this context, CREALP has been involved since 2011 in the process of drawing up advance notices for building permit applications relating to the Rhone flood hazard zones, the Rhone3rd correction project and the Rhone public domain.

Based on meteorological forecasts(COSMO products) from MeteoSwiss and IFS from ECMWF, the MINERVE system generates hydrological forecasts using the RS MINERVE hydrological modeling tool. This tool is also used to simulate turbining and preventive emptying scenarios, with the aim of optimizing the laminating effect of reservoirs.

Emosson dam and reservoir, Valais, Switzerland. Photo: Javier García Hernández | © crealp 2009

Hydrological forecasts from the RS MINERVE model are published daily on the GUARDAVAL natural hazard monitoring portal. On the basis of these forecasts, our specialists evaluate the information in real time and provide scientific support to the Cellule scientifique de crise (CERISE) and the Organe Cantonal de Conduite (OCC) in the event of events.


The MINERVE system comprises three major entities: data acquisition and storage, the hydrological forecasting system and a web-based visualization portal.

MINERVE system structure

The hydro-meteorological database

A database brings together all the meteorological, hydrological and hydraulic data needed to implement the MINERVE system. It enables data to be centralized and accessed in real time to optimize their use.

This database is also used for research into water resource management and climate scenario analysis.

The hydrological forecasting system

A model of the Rhône watershed, developed using RS MINERVE software, is the basis for the forecasting system’s flow simulations. The model simulates the formation and propagation of flows in side streams and in the Rhône.

Hydrological forecasts are calculated in real time based on the latest meteorological, hydrological and hydraulic information.

The web portal

The GUARDAVAL portal provides a geographic and quantitative visualization of data from the cantonal meteorological and hydrological measurement networks.

Its role is to provide all the information required for monitoring flood hazards, but also for ground instability and debris flows, as well as glaciers and rock glaciers.


Project manager:


Spécialiste en assimilation de données et hydrologie opérationnelle

Project duration: 2011 – ongoing
Project sponsor: Service des dangers naturels(SDANA) of the Canton of Valais

Further information

García Hernández, J., Jordan, F., Dubois, J., Boillat, J. L., & Schleiss, A. (2007). Routing system II-modeling flows in hydraulic systems (No. BOOK). EPFL-LCH.

García Hernandez, J., Brauchli, T., Boillat, J. L., & Schleiss, A. (2011). Flood management in the Upper Rhone River basin: from forecast to decision (No. ARTICLE, pp. 69-75).

Garcia Hernandez, J., Boillat, J.-L., Feller, I., & Schleiss, A. (2013). Present and future of hydrological forecasts for flood management. The case of the Alpine Rhone. Mémoires de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles, 25, 55-70.

García Hernández, J., Horton, P., Tobin, C., & Boillat, J. L. (2009). MINERVE 2010: Hydrometeorological forecasting and flood management on the Alpine Rhone (No. ARTICLE, pp. 297-302).

García Hernández, J., Boillat, J.-L., Jordan, F., & Hingray, B. (2009). Hydrometeorological forecasting in the Rhône watershed upstream of Lake Geneva. La Houille Blanche, 5, 61-70.

García Hernández, J., Claude, A., Paredes Arquiola, J., Roquier, B., & Boillat, J. L. (2014). Integrated flood forecasting and management system in a complex catchment area in the Alps-Implementation of the MINERVE project in the Canton of Valais. In Swiss Competences in River Engineerig and Restoration (Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 87-97). Schleiss, Speerli & Pfammatter.

Horton, P. (2012). Improvements and global optimization of the analog method for statistical precipitation forecasting (Doctoral dissertation, University of Lausanne).

Tobin, C., Rinaldo, A., & Schaefli, B. (2012). Snowfall limit forecasts and hydrological modeling. Journal of hydrometeorology, 13(5), 1507-1519.